Meet Our Cast And Crew

Luna Fae Kaida - Producer, Director, Host

Luna Fae is an enterprising trans woman with deep love of dragons, video games, and of course, podcasts. She is the founder of Tiny Lunar Dragon Studios, and works both behind the scenes to make things run smoothly and also on mic as the host of The Ultimate Tier List and Floodgate.

Lily Moth - Host, Audio Editor

Part moth, part cow, part cat, part angel, part lizard, part eldritch horror, and all here to have a good time, Lily is a They Might Be Giants superfan and skilled audio editor. You can hear her as the brains behind Floodgate and the voice of reason just off to the side in The Ultimate Tier List.

Emily Havoc - Host, Voice Actress

Lover of music, connoisseur of jpegs of Dave Coulier, and a true force of chaos in the universe: Emily can and will do anything if she thinks it’s funny. Listen to her wax nonsensical on The Ultimate Tier List or Floodgate, or show off her voice acting chops on Roy Kaplan.

An image of a pixel art dinosaur

Jesse Peng - Writer, Voice Actor

Jesse is a storyteller at heart, focusing on character drama, fantasy, and mysteries (or whatever combination of the three is most interesting at the time). When not working on one of many projects, Jesse learns shorthand and other obsolete skills. Currently writes for Roy Kaplan: Out of Sight, and voices the titular Kaplan. 

An image of Addison Antonoff

Addison Antonoff - Sound Designer, Audio Editor

Addison Antonoff is the sound designer for Roy Kaplan. Other credits include producer and sound designer for Anton Pavlovich’s Garden Club and host and producer of Brandeis University’s podcast Да нет, наверное. Beyond these podcasts, Antonoff works in journalism and theatre.

Duck - Audio Editor

Genderfluid fan turned backup editor of the Ultimate Tier List, hoping to get their footing as a podcast editor.